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*FYI, Grow Info better on desktop or laptop 

Whether saboteur or sage

Wherever you go
...your family goes with you

Please take a moment and ask yourself...


What will you be able to accomplish in your work, in the world, in your marriage, for your children …and even for your children’s children …when you are more masterful with your true potential than you are stressed, distracted or repeating negative & limiting thinking and behavior?


Our Sage Family Man intentional community is you and US living into those answers together ...with each other and FOR each other. 


And your Sage Family Man North Star Membership  & PQ North Star 3 Month Course deep dive will clarify YOUR life's North Star that will illuminate your heart, your goals, decisions and daily behavior from now on!


Much like a North Star guiding sailors through stormy seas, having well-defined values and crystal clear, meaningful goals acts as a constant reference point and compass, preventing drift , negative drain or disaster. When your values & ideals are explicit, they become a foundation for decision-making in all areas of life, aligning your actions & precious goals with your core beliefs.


This clarity minimizes internal conflicts and distractions from saboteur mutiny and its damage on you or on the people that rely on you. In essence, a North Star of intentional values and life goals becomes a guiding light, illuminating the life long path of your Sage self-mastery. It fosters resilience, purpose, and a sense of direction, enabling you to both accomplish your most important milestones and navigate life's inevitable challenges transforming them into gifts all with greater ease & flow. AND even attracts gifts to you without you having to chase them!


In our PQ North Star path together we will clarify the core potentialities, deepest drives and greatest strengths of our Sage. Specifically, what are your potentialities and most meaningful "why's" that inspire your full heart and full attention in your -personal wellness, career or mission, your intimate relationship or partnership, parenting, friends & family and spirituality. 


Then methodically through our 3 month course weekly LIVE group deep dives we'll also explore the optimally effective Positive Intelligence actionable strategies to both set the clearest course coordinates for our Sage ships AND ensure the smoothest masterful sailing in the most precious areas of our lives for ourselves, our families and the people we love the most …for life!

PQ North Star SILVER -Month One (Self)


Week One: PQ Grow Module -Growth Mindset *How to harness Sage Powers to unlock your full positive potential.


Week Two: PQ Grow Module -Self-Actualization *How to apply PQ to become everything you are capable of becoming in each of the domains of your life.


Week Three: PQ Grow Module -Stress Management *Learn how to bust and transmute your strongest, most troubling Saboteur generated stress.


Week Four: PQ Grow Module -Wellness *How to use PQ for optimal sleep and dissolve specific fears or phobias that are holding you back in life.



PQ North Star SILVER -Month Two (Others)


Week Five: PQ Grow Module -Relationship Mastery *Learn how to use PQ to strengthen your primary intimate relationship and improve all relationships in general.


Week Six: PQ Grow Module -Relationship Mastery *Deeper dive into specific PQ strategy to deal optimally with a highly challenging/reluctant/resistant partner, family member, child, colleague, superior or subordinate.


Week Seven: PQ Grow Module -Conflict Management *Learn a powerful technique to diagnose the underlying roots of any conflict and how to apply the PQ tools to convert conflicts into gifts of deepening trust and understanding.


Week Eight: PQ Grow Module -Coaching Others *Learn a simple, memorable coaching methodology that you can use immediately in both personal and professional settings.



PQ North Star SILVER -Month Three (Leading & Learning for Life)


Week Nine: PQ Grow Module -Leadership *Understand the connection between PQ and Leadership (or influence) and discover the 4 Pillars of effective leadership and how to apply them to develop your leadership or influence skills. 


Week Ten: PQ Grow Module -Parenting *Learn how to us PQ to strengthen your parenting and boost your kids' mental fitness in both the short term and over your lifetime.


Week Eleven: PQ Grow Module -Resilience *Apply PQ to recover faster from setbacks.


Week Twelve: Wrapping Up & Moving On *We'll celebrate breakthroughs & wins, share long term goals and Sage brainstorm how we'll continue to inspire, challenge and support each other AND our Sage Family Man community for the future. 

*PQ North Star Course Begins Weekend April 13,14 *Weekly LIVE Group Check-Ins are Thursdays 7:30 - 9:30pm

choose your Founding Father
sage family man 

Grow Edge



$200 OFF

Before Thursday, April 4th Midnight



1 Year Grow Edge Membership
Sage Family Man
App Community

1 Year "Grow" Positive Intelligence App Access

Monthly LIVE Group Check-Ins

*Grow Membership Investment Can Be Applied to Future Upgrades to North Star or Master's Circle Memberships
if Within 12 Months


North Star SILVER



$500 OFF

Before Thursday, April 4th Midnight



Lifetime North Star Membership
Sage Family Man 
App Community

1 Year "Grow" Positive Intelligence App Access

3 Month PQ North Star Guided Curriculum

12 Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions

PQ North Star Curriculum
Workbooks & Worksheets

Lifetime Monthly LIVE Group Check-Ins
*Post 3 Month North Star Program

1 Gift PQ 6 Week Program
to Spouse , Family Member or Friend

20% Discount on Ala Carte Options
for Future Sage Family Man Courses & Special Events


North Star GOLD



$800 OFF

Before Thursday, April 4th Midnight



Lifetime North Star Membership
Sage Family Man
App Community

1 Year "Grow" Positive Intelligence App Access

3 Month PQ North Star Guided Curriculum

12 Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions

6 Private 1-1 60 Minute

PQ North Star Curriculum
Workbooks & Worksheets

Lifetime Monthly LIVE Group Check-Ins
*Post 3 Month North Star Program

2 Gift PQ 6 Week Program
to Spouse, Family Member or Friend

30% Discount on Ala Carte Options
for Future Sage Family Man Courses & Special Events


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