Build Powerful Habits and Upgrade Your Life with PQ®️ Training & Coaching
Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.
And that’s what PQ®️ Training & Coaching empowers you to do.
Daily Practice
15 minutes/day of app-guided practice enables you to build stronger mental muscles (neural pathways). These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.
Measurable Progress
You’ll feel motivated through instant feedback on exactly how much progress you’re making towards building the three core muscles of mental fitness. Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging within eight weeks.
Weekly Focus
Weekly hour-long video delivers deep experiential exploration of the week’s focus. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week in order to sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions.
Community Support
You'll have support & accountability with me and with other people in the program & community with you. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.
Research proves you’re 500% more likely to succeed in this program when you partner with people you know or community who can offer accountability and support. I am so committed to your success that we couldn’t possibly ignore those odds!
Six-Week Foundation
Build your foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self).
*The Six Week Foundation is the cornerstone of all coaching agreements both short & long term.
Week 1
Self-Command Muscle
Through a breakthrough process called PQ Reps, you get to boost your Self-Command muscle. Each PQ Rep only takes 10 seconds and can be done with eyes open or closed. With each PQ Rep, you develop greater mastery over your own mind, quiet the negative, and activate the positive region of your brain.
Week 2-3
Saboteur Interceptor Muscle
You get to intercept your top Saboteurs the moment they try to hijack your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In preparation for this practice, you get to expose the lies, limiting beliefs and damage of your Saboteurs, so they can no longer fool you into thinking they are helpful to you.
Week 4-6
Sage Muscle
You get to practice the Sage Perspective that every problem or challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity. And you get to generate the gift through the 5 Sage Powers of Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate.
PQ Foundation Program -Client By Client Open Enrollment
*You MUST commit to this initial program throughout its duration. 80% of the benefit of the program comes from completing the daily app-guided exercises. Once the program kicks off, to get the most out of it, this a priority.
*Here’s what you can expect in terms of time investment: 15 minutes of daily app-guided mental exercises, 1-hour long video session each weekend, 45-60 minute one on one or group accountability & support coaching session once a week for the six weeks.
*Private one on one coaching beyond the initial six week foundation is determined on case by case basis.
Lifelong Applications
Positive Intelligence®️ is an operating system with many applications. The PQ Program helps you develop your three core mental muscles over the course of just six weeks which you can then continue to build through ongoing practice & support to improve practically any area of life from overall stress relief & wellness, career performance or leadership, creativity, relationships and parenting.
*Positive Intelligence Coaching will vastly improve both your personal & professional development simultaneously. You'll be able to see immediate and long term positive shifts in your performance/work life balance, your marriage or intimate relationships and your parenting if you have children.
*If you're craving more of a deep dive and support in a very specific or urgent area of personal or professional development or want to commit to life mastery more long term we'll determine what's best for you.
What Makes PQ Coaching Different
Focus on Habit Formation
Most trainings & coaching result in short-lived improvements. For sustained results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why Positive Intelligence®️ calls this “mental fitness.”
Treat Root Cause, Not Symptoms
Factor analysis research of Positive Intelligence®️ has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and wellbeing. We rewire the brain at the root cause level.
Develop All Three Core Muscles
Mental fitness requires three core muscles. Saboteur Interceptor, Self-Command, and Sage. Meditation only focuses on Self-Command, which is why it is not sustained by most.
One Operating System, Many Applications
A Platform for Ongoing Growth
Research-Based, Measurable Results
Through factor analysis, Positive Intelligence®️ discovered the core operating system of the mind that can run a massive variety of work and life applications. One simple operating system, many applications.
Similar to physical fitness, mental fitness is not a short-term training. After the initial six week foundation, stay supported with further coaching and community to integrate a variety of work & life applications to continue your growth.
The research of Positive Intelligence®️ has included more than a million participants from around the globe. The tools have been field-tested with thousands of tough-minded participants, ensuring their efficacy.
What do we cover in our PQ Discovery Call?We'll speak at the time you schedule and through the Positive Intelligence framework we'll look at the negative impacts and/or negative conseqences of you self-sabotage patterns or blindspots. We'll also envision what's possible in your performance, wellness & relationships where these limitations are no longer stealing your potential. This call will open up what's truly possible for you and an opportunity for you to step into a future of greater clarity, productivity & power in your work, marriage and parenting. If it's a good fit, we'll discuss details of welcoming you into the program. If not, we'll part as friends. Call is 100% confidential.
What is the time commitment for this program?You are required to fully commit to the program throughout its duration. Once the program kicks off, to get the most out of it, this a priority. That means setting aside a couple of hours each week for the lessons and exercises within the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program. Here’s what you can expect in terms of time commitment: Weekly video sessions (1 hour - over the weekend) Daily app-guided mental exercises (15 minutes) Weekly check-in/accountability/support meetings with your accountability with the group (45 minutes) Weekly one on one PQ Coaching session with Sadhu (optional, 30 minutes) This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% of time and productivity this six-weeks investment will save for years to come.
Is Positive Intelligence Coaching®️ right for me?Positive Intelligence Coaching®️ is right for you if you are a) committed to improving your performance & effectiveness in your work and family life dramatically while reducing stress, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system with community support to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you.
What are the minimum technology requirements?Your daily practice is delivered via the exclusive PQ app, where participants can access their daily mental fitness exercises, coach challenges, reflections, and your PQ metrics dashboard. The minimum requirements for the PQ app are a smartphone or device capable or running iOS 12.0 or Android 6.0 onwards.
Is the program live or self-paced?The program is is self-paced and delivered entirely through the Positive Intelligence app. The weekly video sessions are divided into bite-sized chunks for you to watch when you have the time. Videos are released each Saturday and most people find the weekend is the most convenient time to watch. The only live component is the weekly check-in meeting with your accountability group. These will be on Zoom and around 45 minutes long. You'll see the Zoom meeting links in the Positive Intelligence App communication thread. The live meetings will be recorded if you cannot attend and all replays will be posted in the communication thread also.
Aren't negative emotions sometimes helpful?Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement. Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions which harm both performance and happiness. In this coaching and community we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.
What is the origin of the Positive Intelligence Movement?Positive Intelligence is a vibrant global community of coaches, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, engineers and passionate servant leaders. Powered by positivity, we’re working to make the world brighter for everyone. Shirzad Chamine is the author of the New York Times bestselling Positive Intelligence. Shirzad has lectured on Positive Intelligence®️ at Stanford University and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools. He has been the CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world. A preeminent C-suite advisor, Shirzad has coached hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams. His background includes a BA in psychology, an MS in electrical engineering, and an MBA from Stanford. Shirzad conducts each of the video sessions and guided prompts in the Positive Intelligence®️ app you'll be using for our coaching relationship. I'm your personal coach, I lead all the LIVE group coaching sessions and I facilitate our greater community of family men sharing our work together.
Why is this coaching and coaching community invitation and referral only?I believe that authentic relationships established on a high standard of shared values then nurtured with specific priorities of integrity not only benefits each individual but also exponentially strengthens the collective of their community and then that authenticity powerfully ripples out as inspiration into the world. I simply want to minimize BS and distraction in my life so I can serve my family the best I can and do my part to make the world a better place. The person that told you about this wants that and that's why they told you must want that too. I'm committed to getting my shit together and keeping it together so I can serve my mission and my family to their greatest potential and I'm committed to supporting as many people as possible to serve their greatest potential. Let's hold each other accountable and support each other to live into what we're capable of. Thank you for stepping up! Sincerely In Service, Sadhu
Why bother with group coaching if I'd rather do one on one?Of course, we'll have a one on one coaching relationship and as many private sessions you'll need to support you best. I encourage you to consider the group coaching dynamic as profound additional support for your work and growth. Here are some statistics validating the advantageous benefits of group coaching: 1. Increased Accountability: A study by the American Society of Training and Development found that the probability of completing goals increased by 95% when people shared their goals and had regular accountability check-ins with others. 2. Enhanced Learning Retention: According to research published in the International Journal of Science and Research, group learning can lead to a retention rate of up to 90%, compared to 5-10% retention when learning alone. 3. Diverse Perspectives: A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that diverse group settings often led to better problem-solving and decision-making due to the exposure to a wider range of perspectives and ideas. 4. Improved Motivation: Research from the British Journal of Educational Psychology suggests that group learning environments can significantly increase motivation levels due to peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community. 5. Better Skill Acquisition: A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicated that learning in a group setting can foster a more profound understanding of complex subjects through collaborative discussions and shared experiences. These statistics underscore the advantages of group coaching or learning, emphasizing the importance of social interaction, shared accountability, diverse perspectives, and increased motivation in achieving learning goals.